
Decisive factors for successful brand management are customer focus, digitalisation and innovation projects.

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Collection creation

Customer centricity means the holistic orientation of the company towards the needs of its customers. As Steve Jobs said: "You've got to start with the customer experience and work back to the technology not the other way around". For collection creation, this means knowing your own customers and their needs. Methodologically, the development of an up-to-date, meaningful customer profile is indispensable for this.

This customer profile contains customer characteristics of the own database, results of customer surveys as well as scientifically determined data regarding consumers, market and competition of a market research institute like GFK or SINUS. It is recommended to have a handout prepared for all employees and, if necessary, also for the purchasing agencies or suppliers.

Only when the customer profile with a corresponding price strategy has been worked out and in addition comprehensive analyses of the market, the competition and future trends have been carried out, can a range of products be developed that is tailored exactly to the needs of the customer. This range includes the right products with the right price, offered at the right time. Marketing and sales are then also very precisely aligned with the own customers, the market and the competition.


Strong companies can quickly adapt to new challenges, realise opportunities and constantly renew themselves. Fast reactions to changing customer needs can only be achieved by digitalising the supply chain and setting up an efficient and effective organisation. This begins with digital product and pattern development with 3D software, the installation of fabric libraries and continues with online auctions.

This of course accelerates the time-to-market period immensely. In addition, costs are already reduced in the medium term. Furthermore, the organisation with its structures and processes must also change. Teams have to be agile and act on their own responsibility. This not only increases speed and reduces costs but also activates the potential of the employees and their motivation.

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Exploiting opportunities for innovation


The continued development of every successful company is essential today. This requires strategic trend management. Trends must be methodically observed and evaluated. Then potential innovation opportunities can be identified and concrete innovation projects can be derived from them. Those who recognise the opportunities offered by trends at an early stage can make use of associated potential such as increased sales or earnings.

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